

LIUNA AA Caucus Partners with GA Stand-Up to Support Voter Education in the 2021 GA Senate Runoffs

The LIUNA AA Caucus partnered with Georgia Stand-Up to support voter education and GOTV efforts in the 2021 Georgia Senate runoffs. GA Stand-Up is a think and act tank comprised of an alliance of leaders dedicated to community education. Leaders are represented from labor organizations, community, faith-based organizations and academia. The caucus supported GA Stand-Up by providing funding for 20,000 non-partisan door knockers. The literature included information focused on voter education - verifying voter registration status, providing voting deadlines and including a slate of all candidate choices.

Georgia Stand-up volunteers will conduct lit drops and canvas potential voters with the goal of targeting African American communities. The AA caucus has a history of partnering with GA Stand-Up. Over 150 caucus members worked with Stand-Up volunteers to revitalize an entire street in Vine City, a blighted Atlanta neighborhood, as a community service project during the 2015 AFL-CIO MLK Conference.

“The stakes are extremely high in this runoff election. Educating voters and getting out the vote are both crucial in securing success for candidates who support issues important to LIUNA. LIUNA’s AA Caucus wanted to contribute to these critical efforts.”

LIUNA AA Caucus President, Ryan N. Boyer


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